Summer Operations

Good morning Stratham!

Welcome to the summer season with the Stratham Department of Public Works! As temperatures rise, so does our commitment to maintaining the infrastructure that keeps our community thriving. From road repairs to park maintenance, our dedicated team is hard at work ensuring that your summer experiences are smooth, safe, and enjoyable.

With longer days and warmer weather ahead, our focus shifts to maximizing efficiency while minimizing disruptions. Whether it's resurfacing roads, beautifying green spaces, or optimizing waste management services, we're dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all residents and visitors.

As stewards of public assets, we prioritize transparency and communication. Stay informed about ongoing projects, road closures, and service updates through our website and social media channels. Your feedback is invaluable, so don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Together, let's make this summer a season to remember, filled with well-maintained infrastructure, vibrant parks, and smooth travels throughout our community. Thank you for your continued support as we work tirelessly to serve you better.

Tick Season Don't let ticks put a damper on your summer fun. Click here to access a complete tick prevention guide and take proactive steps to protect your health and well-being. 



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